Part or All of Redundancy Payments Can Be Tax Free

Part or All of Redundancy Payments Can Be Tax Free
Below we have outlined the potential tax-free elements for lump sum payments received on termination of office or employment:
Basic Exemption:
The basic exemption is €10,160 plus €765 for each complete year an employee has worked for the company. The following items can be counted towards a full year’s work:
- Time worked before and after a career break
- Period of job-sharing or part-time work
- For group companies, all work carried out in Ireland.
If your employee has taken a career break this cannot be counted.
Increased Exemption:
You may claim an increased exemption, up to €10,000, providing you have not received a lump sum payment in the previous ten years. You may be due to receive a lump sum payment from their pension scheme. You must deduct this lump sum from the €10,000.
If this payment is not due yet, then you deduct the current value of it.
You might have agreed with the pension provider that you will never receive a lump sum payment. You must inform your employer of this agreement in order to receive the increased exemption.
Standard Capital Superannuation Benefit (SCSB):
SCSB is an additional relief you may be entitled to. It benefits employees with high earnings and long service. SCSB is calculated at 1/15 of the average annual pay for the last 36 months in employment. This is multiplied by the number of full years of service. Any tax-free lump sums received are subtracted from the benefit.
Payment in Lieu of Notice:
A payment in lieu of notice should be treated as pay if it is part of an employee’s contract. This payment cannot benefit from the basic exemption.
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