
Supports For Businesses Going Green

Business / Tips

Supports For Businesses Going Green

As Ireland commits to reducing carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, businesses play a crucial role in this transformation. Investing in sustainable practices not only helps meet these ambitious goals but can also position your company as a leader in environmental responsibility. Here’s a guide to the financial, training, and mentoring supports available to help your business reduce its carbon footprint.

1. Green Transition Fund

A. Climate Planning Fund for Business

The Climate Planning Fund offers various grants to assist businesses in their green transition:

  • Climate Action Voucher: Provides up to €1,800 for independent technical or advisory services to develop sustainability and decarbonisation strategies. Available to Enterprise Ireland and Údarás na Gaeltachta clients.
  • GreenStart Grant: Offers 80% of the cost (up to €5,000) for hiring a Green Service Provider to introduce environmental best practices. Targeted at small enterprises in manufacturing and internationally traded services, including those not currently clients of Enterprise Ireland or Údarás na Gaeltachta.
  • GreenPlus Grant: Covers up to 50% of eligible costs, up to €50,000, for hiring an external expert to enhance environmental management and sustainability. Available to Enterprise Ireland and Údarás na Gaeltachta clients.
  • Strategic Consultancy: Supports up to 50% of eligible costs for hiring consultants to develop and implement sustainability and decarbonisation strategies. Grants range up to €35,000 for medium programmes and up to 80% for short programmes.

B. Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund

This fund offers significant financial support for manufacturing businesses aiming to reduce their carbon footprint:

  • Capital Investment for Energy Monitoring & Tracking Systems: Up to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum of €50,000, for implementing systems to monitor and track energy use.
  • Capital Investment for Decarbonisation Processes: Grants of 30% to 50% for investing in technologies that reduce carbon emissions in manufacturing processes, with a maximum support of €1 million.
  • Innovation Vouchers: €5,000 grants to explore sustainability and decarbonisation opportunities with registered knowledge providers.
  • Exploring Innovation: Up to 50% of eligible costs (typical maximum of €35,000) for planning research, development, or innovation projects in sustainability.
  • Research & Development: Grants vary based on the project type and company size for developing new or improved sustainable products or processes.
  • Agile Innovation: Up to 50% of eligible costs (typical maximum of €150,000) for developing new or improved products, services, or processes in sustainability.
  • Energy Efficiency Grant: Provides up to €5,000 for energy-efficient technology and equipment for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

See the full eligibility criteria for the Energy Efficiency Grant on the Local Enterprise website.

2. EXEED Grant Scheme

The Excellence in Energy Efficiency Design (EXEED) scheme supports energy-efficient design with grants of up to €3 million. It funds projects such as improving insulation, installing energy-efficient equipment, and setting up energy-efficient processes.

Read more about the EXEED Grant Scheme on the SEAI website.

3. Accelerated Capital Allowance

This tax incentive allows businesses to deduct the full cost of energy-efficient equipment from their profits in the year of purchase. Equipment must be listed in SEAI’s energy-efficient equipment list.

Read more about the Accelerated Capital Allowance.

4. Support Scheme for Renewable Heat

Provides up to 30% of eligible costs for installing renewable heating systems like air source and ground source heat pumps. The scheme supports commercial, industrial, agricultural, and public sector heat users.

Check here if you are eligible for the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat.

5. Electric SPSV (eSPSV) Scheme

Grants up to €20,000 are available for scrapping older, polluting vehicles and switching to fully electric models. An additional €2,500 is available for converting vehicles to wheelchair-accessible models. If your application is successful, you can get up to €20,000 to scrap an older, more polluting (or high mileage) vehicle and switch to a fully electric model.

You can get up to €25,000 if the new e-taxi is wheelchair-accessible.

Check the grant rates available for scrapping your older car (pdf).

Complete the online eSPSV Scheme application form on the National Transport Authority’s website.

6. Solar PV Scheme

Grants for solar PV installations range from €2,400 for systems up to 6kWp, with additional funding for larger systems. This scheme supports businesses, public buildings, and community organisations.

Training and Mentoring Supports

1. Climate Ready

Skillnet Ireland’s Climate Ready initiative provides specialised training and resources on climate action, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. The program includes fully funded or subsidised courses and an online learning platform. Click here for more information.

2. Water Conservation for Business

Irish Water offers resources and guides to help businesses reduce water waste. The hub includes practical advice tailored to various sectors. Click here for more information.

3. SEAI Energy Academy

Provides e-learning resources to help businesses meet energy efficiency goals, reduce waste, and train staff on energy efficiency practices. Click here for more information.

Additional Resources

  • Recycling Business Waste: Manage and dispose of waste in line with regulations, and consider repair options before disposal. Click here
  • Waste Electronic Equipment (WEEE): Recycle small electronic items and larger equipment responsibly. Contact your local authority for more information, or find your nearest recycling point using the WEEE Ireland map.
  • End-of-Life Vehicles: Dispose of company cars and light commercial vehicles using licensed treatment facilities to handle hazardous materials safely. Click here

Investing in green practices not only supports Ireland’s climate goals but also enhances your business’s efficiency and reputation. With various financial grants, training programs, and mentoring supports available, now is the ideal time to explore these opportunities and take actionable steps towards a more sustainable future. For detailed information and to apply, visit the relevant websites and contact local enterprise offices for guidance.

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